Friday, July 04, 2008

Friday Find: Vacation!

For the first time since I began working at my full-time "desk job" 17 months ago, I am going on vacation! What's more, I am going back to one of my all-time favorite cities in the world: PARIS. Even better, I will be attending the Paris Writers Workshop, hopefully jumpstarting a novel from a failed short story (and the icing on the gâteau is that I've won a conference scholarship).

I don't expect to post while I'm away, but I will be sure to report back once I'm home. You can count on our regular posting schedule to resume on Monday, July 14. Meantime, Happy 4th of July to all the American practicing writers out there. À bientôt!

P.S. If you're looking for more writing/publishing opportunities in my absence, don't forget that July is SALE MONTH for The Practicing Writer's Guide to No-Cost Literary Contests and Competitions. Get your copy for a mere $4.95 (50% off the regular price!).

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Congratulations, Erika! Enjoy Paris and the conference!