Thursday, February 12, 2009

SASE Alert!

If you haven't yet sworn off the SASE and committed yourself to sending only to publications that take electronic submissions, you'll definitely want to take note of the latest U.S. postal rate increase announcement. As of May 11, the price for a 1-ounce First-Class Mail stamp will increase from 42¢ to 44¢. So if you're mailing anything now with the expectation that you may not hear back before then, you may want to stock up on the correct postage--or dig up those Forever Stamps--and prepare your SASEs accordingly.


Anonymous said...

good info. Thanks for this.

Amy said...

Wow. Thanks for the heads up! I'm seriously going to consider going the electronic route only.

I got curious and looked up the price of stamps over time. It's amazing how fast they've increased in the last thirty years compared to all the years before.

The link if anyone is curious:

margosita said...

This is such a nice practical piece of advice. I love it. Although, I sort of wonder, doesn't everyone just buy Forever stamps? I guess I always do, and given the option, who wouldn't?

Erika D. said...

Thanks for the comments!