Thursday, November 03, 2005

Voices from the Storm

flashquake, a web-based literary journal, has announced a "venue where people affected by [hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma] can share their stories and art. Fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, artwork and photographs are welcome from anyone directly affected by the storm. This includes those who endured or were evacuated from the affected areas, their family members, rescuers, volunteers, foster homes and so forth." Submissions for this "Voices from the Storm" project will be read during three periods: October 21-November 15, 2005; November 16-December 15, 2005; December 16-January 15, 2006. Selected entries will be published in broadsheet form and will receive monetary awards of $25. For more information, read the Voices from the Storm Call for Submissions.

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