Monday, November 06, 2006

Personal Stories Sought (Pays up to $1,000)

Common Ties seeks personal stories (maximum 2,000 words, "less than 1,000 is far preferred") "from people all over the world" for its story blog:

Common Ties publishes personal stories, whether told in the 1st person about yourself or in the 3rd about others. For examples please visit the 'Lives' column in the New York Times Magazine or listen to the sound clips on or from This American Life. Personal stories can involve breaking news if you were part of that story--for instance, stories from 9/11. When writing about others please state explicitly in your submission to us that you have obtained permission from those in the story to publish, and if you cannot please do not use their real names.

Pays $200 per story, up to $1,000 in "extraordinary" cases. Note that you may include photo and/or audio clips "that enrich the stories." See full guidelines: here. (via

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