Thursday, April 05, 2007

From My Bookshelf: Current Reads

Because I've been thinking for quite awhile (years) about the portrayal of work in fiction (and even participated on an AWP panel on the subject several conferences back), I've been very interested in the attention being given (including this Guardian blog thread) to Joshua Ferris's new novel, Then We Came to the End. In fact, I'm so interested that I've gone ahead and ordered the book from I really do love the library, and just picked up another novel there on Tuesday (Michael Lavigne's Not Me, which is already captivating me just a few chapters in), but finding myself at #212 on the borrowers' waiting list in this case put even my Taurean patience to the test.

Have any of you read Ferris's novel yet? Please don't give anything away, but I'd love to hear general impressions.

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