Here's the news: This week I completed the latest semiannual update of our popular Directory of Paying Essay Markets. Although I did, sadly, have to remove a few listings, I also managed to add quite a few. So this e-directory now profiles more than 150 print, online, and anthology markets that publish their guidelines--AND PAY RATES--online. (You can read a preview with sample listings here.)
Moreover, to cheer us all up and inject a dose of financial optimism into the lives of the practicing essayists reading this blog, I'll be giving away THREE copies of the new edition. Here's how it will happen:
THREE Practicing Writing readers will win complimentary copies of our just-revised and updated Directory of Paying Essay Markets. Here are the giveaway rules:
1) To enter, please comment on THIS post (click on "comments" below). You might (but are not required to) share with us the essay market you would most love to crack, the one you're proudest of appearing in, or the one you simply most enjoy reading.
2) Post your comment by 5 p.m. (Eastern time) Monday, November 17. One entry per person, please. Please note that comments on this blog are moderated and therefore will not appear instantly.
3) Three winners will be chosen with the help of a random number generator (or by asking my favorite human random number generator--my five-year-old niece) and announced on Tuesday morning, November 18.
4) NOTE: If you wish to be contacted by e-mail if you win, please include your e-mail address in your comment (example to help avoid having your address "harvested": writer(at)yahoo(dot)com). Otherwise, you must check back on Tuesday to see if you won. Unclaimed prizes are forfeited after 48 hours.
Good luck!
Wow. I would so love to win a copy of this--almost as much as I would love to write an essay that would qualify for one these paying markets. Good luck, everyone.
What a generous offer! Please count me in. I will be teaching a creative nonfiction course this winter to retired folks called "Taking Your Writing to the Next Level," and I want to show the participants how many markets are available for their work. Your new guide will be perfect.
I was hoping to break into Water & Wastes Digest. Or else the New Yorker. Either way, it's good.
Please enter me!
thursday at thursdaybram dot com
The market I am proudest of breaking into is the Home Forum at the Christian Science Monitor because it is such a fair publication.
The market I have had the most success with is the Facts & Arguments column at the Globe and Mail. I know the style, the length and it's raison d'etre like the back of my hand.
The two markets I would most like to break into now are the "Meanwhile" column at the International Herald Tribune, but it's so ecclectic that I am having trouble pinning down it's essence, and the "Your Turn" column at Maclean's magazine because almost everyone I know reads it.
I'm in too. Although I've written for Backpacker and National Geographic Traveler, I've had my sights set on National Geographic Adventure and Outside.
Very cool! Please enter me. BTW, I love this blog.
I'm a daily reader of the blog -- thanks so much for keeping us all informed Erika!
What a great giveaway. Count me in.
I managed to get into the Home Forum section of the Christian Science Monitor once but can't seem to do it again. I'd love to be publsihed there as they are a well-respected and well-read publication. Sounds like they are going to all online soon. I'd also like to have an essay at Skirt magazine online.
Sign me up! I'd love to get paid for anything I wrote really - beggars can't be choosers!
Happy to pay for postage is I'm a winner.
New to your blog and newsletter and enjoying the like-minded community.
Thanks, LCS
Thanks Erika. I would love to publish a piece in the Modern Love column at the New York Times.
The publication I'm proudest of appearing in is the Cup of Comfort for Writers anthology, an opportunity I discovered through your blog. Thanks for your generosity.
I'd like to publish creative nonfiction essays.
Thanks for the contest. I'd love a copy.
Thanks for the contest, Erika! I'd love to publish an essay in The Sun someday.
Sounds like a great book! I will keep my fingers crossed that I win a copy. :)
My favorite genre of personal essay to write is spiritual. I don't know if that is an officially recognized genre, but I write about my own experiences on my spiritual journey and about the experiences of others whom I interview or just happen to meet.
Good luck to everyone in the drawing!
How wonderful! I've had several essays published on HuffingtonPost, but they don't pay. This ebook sounds like a great resource and just what I need.
Count me in! I would love to win a copy of your book!
I would love to write for Ode Magazine,Spirituality & Health, Brain,Child Magazine and locally Northern Ohio Live. I am most proud of my piece published in Literary Mama.
P.S. I found you on Lisa Romeo's blog.
Count me in, too. I'd like to be published in the Modern Love column in The New York Times. That's my grand ambition.
E-mail: mridukhullar (at) gmail.com
I read your blog every week. I would love to be in the contest. I want to sell essays about parenting. Thanks.
I have published personal essays in a wide variety of markets but have never managed to crack Slate. I think this is the best e-zine going and it takes loads of personal essays, albeit usually more newsy or culturally relevant than I tend to write. I vow to keep on trying! Meanwhile, thanks for your great website, publishing leads and resources.
Thanks so much for the generous offer and the great blog. I would most like to publish an essay in The Sun.
Erisinthesky (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks for all the work you do on your wonderful blog. I would love to have my essays published and read on NPR.
I'd love to be published in Northern Woodlands or the Christian Science Monitor's Home Forum (looks like it's high on many people's lists). But truthfully, I'd settle for anything. Winning this e-book would inspire me to buckle down and keep submitting! What a great offer Erika!
great offer! Thanks for always having such great info on your site!
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