Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities

From the Arvon Foundation (U.K.): "An anonymous writer, who has benefitted from several Arvon courses, would like to enable others to have the same experience. The donor will provide a yearly amount which will enable one person working in the voluntary sector to attend an Arvon writing course for a greatly reduced fee. To apply you must currently volunteer either full or part time within a charity or voluntary organisation." There is no application fee, and applications are due by March 1, 2010.
"The American Prospect's Writing Fellows Program offers journalists at the beginning of their career the opportunity to spend two full years at the magazine in Washington, D.C., actively developing their journalistic skills. Each fellow will write a minimum of three to four full-length feature articles. Fellows will also regularly write shorter, online pieces and blog daily....We are seeking candidates who are opinionated and comfortable generating article ideas rather than relying on assignments. A passion for blogging is appreciated." No application fee. Deadline: April 1, 2010.
Latest call for submissions from WOW! Women on Writing:

"WOW! is seeking submissions for their upcoming themes:

May '10 Book to Film: (Deadline for queries/subs: March 15, 2010).
The majority of films are made from books these days, so using this as a basic premise, we are dedicating May's issue to all things related to words and pictures.

Here are some topic ideas for articles/interviews:
- Interviews with authors of books that were made into films.
- Interviews with screenwriters who crafted a screenplay from a book.
- How to write a screenplay--I know, big topic, but we can start with the basic structural differences of novel writing vs. screenwriting and share some tips for screenwriting.
- Basics of writing a TV pilot.
- How a book gets optioned for a film: how does it happen, what steps are involved, including quotes from experts.
- The YouTube phenomena: how to effectively use YouTube as an author or freelance writer, how to make money from YouTube, etc.

Fiction Mechanics/Novelist's Tool Kit: (Deadline for queries/subs: April 15, 2010)
Last month, when I was putting together the links at the bottom of Beth Cato's fabulous article Beginning After NaNoWriMo, I noticed that we were short on articles that covered the mechanics of fiction. I'd love to see comprehensive articles on all the tools novelists need to have in their toolbox for working on their novels. Here are some basic topics: (Note: this is an all "how to" issue, no interviews.)

- Plot & Structure
- Scenes
- Description & Setting
- Pacing
- Voice
(Note: we already have articles on: dialogue tags, self-editing for fiction writers, and beginnings/middles/ends.)"

General submission guidelines/pay rates here.
Goddard College (Vt.) seeks part-time, temporary faculty for its BFA in Creative Writing program. "We seek faculty who are published writers committed to excellence in their craft and the development of individual voice. Our students work closely with their faculty advisors during each residency to plan the work of the semester. Our faculty continue this supportive and sustaining mentorship throughout the semester, and the students benefit from the experience, insights, and critical feedback of their advisors. BFA faculty members are cross-listed in the Individualized BA program at Goddard; applicants must, therefore, be prepared to respond to student work in at least two areas of liberal arts study in addition to creative writing. Interested applicants are urged to explore the Goddard BFA-CW and IBA programs on the Goddard web site before applying."
Ploughshares is looking for a managing editor. And the Edinburgh International Book Festival seeks temporary staff.

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