Thursday, September 28, 2006

Parting Potpourri

As our newsletter readers already know, I'm about to leave for a writing residency. So in all likelihood, I'll be taking a complete break from the blog for the next month. But I'll leave you with a virtual grab bag of items to keep you busy for at least a little while. And don't forget to check our links, archives, Web site, and e-books while we're gone.

Have a great October!

* National Endowment for the Arts Announces International Literary Exchanges: This press release details a new program "to initiate literary translation projects and publications between the United States and other countries."

*No-cost (no entry fee) contest: Genealogy Essay Competition (via PayingWriterJobs)

* Profile of new magazine, Sherman's Travel, over at Bacon's The Navigator.

*And finally, from

"How To (and How Not To) Write Poetry"

Selections from Nobel laureate Wislawa Szymborska's Polish newspaper column.

"Rejection Slip? What Rejection Slip?"

Daniel Nester's profile of Lyn Lifshin, "who might be one of the most prolific poets in the universe."


RenaSherwood said...

Good luck with your assignment. Thanks for the blog! I love it.

Erika D. said...

Thanks, rraven!