Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday Find: New Tech for the New Year

I'm a bit hesitant about jumping on the resolution bandwagon at the moment, so (as you may have noticed) I haven't formally articulated any New Year's goals here. But should I dare to dream, I might be tempted to borrow some targets from this list of "objectives for today's non-wired journalist." It would be pretty nice to find myself significantly less tech-challenged a year from now! (via Lisa Romeo's blog)


Dan R. said...

Erika, my New Years thrust is to enroll in a low-residency writing program at the BACHELOR level. But, everyone seems to offer MFAs which do me no good. Any suggestions?

Erika D. said...

Sorry, Dan. Don't know of any offhand. Why don't you investigate the undergrad program listings here and see if you can find anything part-time/low-res? Good luck.