Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Wednesday Web Browser: Styron Revisited, MFA Event in New York, and My Other Blog

It's no secret to this blog's readers that I'm a fan of the work of William Styron. Which is why I was particularly interested to find Jess Row's essay, "Styron's Choice," revisiting a literary controversy from the late 1960s.
If you're in the New York area and thinking about an MFA, you might want to check out this event, slated for tomorrow night and featuring Kimiko Hahn, Distinguished Professor in the Queens College-CUNY MFA Program, and Robert Polito, who directs the Writing Program at The New School. ($5 "suggested donation")
Don't forget to check in once in awhile over on my other blog, where I focus on literature, culture, and, occasionally, politics with a distinctly Jewish emphasis. The most recent post discusses the fabulous, don't-miss film "A Secret" ("Un Secret"), based on Philippe Grimbert's roman à clef.


Lorri said...

Thanks for the pointer to the piece on Styron. I'm particularly interested in the idea of who has the right to tell what stories. In my opinion, any person who dares put pen to paper has a right to tell the story that is obviously obsessing them. And readers and/or critics then have the right to either 'like' or reject that particular story. And if the first story spurs on another writer to tell a different one, then 'Yay' to the spur, right? Go Styron!

Erika D. said...

Thanks for your comment, Lorri. I tend to agree with you. I share the view expressed by Henry James: "We must grant the artist his subject, his idea, what the French call his donnée; our criticism is applied only to what he makes of it."