Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Wednesday Web Browser: AWP 2009, Jewish Book Council blog, and Joe the Plumber-Author?

Are you a student seeking to save money and simultananeouly attend the next Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference? If you're willing to volunteer at the conference in exchange for your registration fees, click here. And if you're already planning to attend AWP--say, for the first time, because you have a job interview lined up--you'll find this advice for conference rookies worth reading (even if, in my experience, AWP is a significantly less formal event than some of those cited in the article I'm sending you to).
In case you haven't yet seen this on my other blog: Check out the Jewish Book Council's new blog.
Envying Joe the Plumber and an assortment of others who seem to fall directly into book deals? Timothy Egan feels your pain.


Felicity said...

Oh, my, that NYTimes op/ed is funny! And sad. Thanks.

Erika D. said...

Funny and sad, exactly!