Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quotation(s) of the Week: Courtesy of Crazyhorse

Received via e-mail yesterday from Crazyhorse journal. Check out the quotations mentioned within, and consider others to send to Crazyhorse!
Crazyhorse Quick-Quote Contest
Do you have a favorite quote about writing, the creative process, or the writing life? E-mail it to Crazyhorse to enter it into the Crazyhorse Quick-Quote Contest.

20 winners receive a free subscription to Crazyhorse.
Winning quotes will featured within the perpetual quote-display box at www.crazyhorsejournal.org and e-mailed to all.

E-mail in quotes by writers, for writers – anything to do with writing. For example:

"That's all we have, finally, the words, and they had better be the right ones."
--Raymond Carver

"The blood jet is poetry and there is no stopping it."
--Sylvia Plath

"From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached."
--Franz Kafka

"Why do writers write? Because it isn't there."
--Thomas Berger

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat."
--Edgar Allan Poe

E-mail your entry to crazyhorse(at)cofc(dot)edu
subject line: Quote

Enter by midnight, April 17, 2010.

Quotes should be no more than 190 characters (30 words or less).

20 winners receive a free subscription to Crazyhorse.

Winning quotes featured within the perpetual quote-display box at www.crazyhorsejournal.org and e-mailed to all.

One quote per contestant.

Quotes judged by the Crazyhorse Editorial Intern team: we’ll also compile as many entries as we can and e-mail them back for everyone to read.


Kathleen A. Ryan said...

This is great, Erika! I sent this in ~ it's one of my faves:

“Don’t think. Write. We think before we write a story, and afterward, but during the writing we listen.”
~ Madeleine L’Engle

Erika D. said...

That's a good quote, Kathleen! Good luck!