Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Wednesday Web Browser

I subscribe to several "poem-a-day" services, and a few days ago I received a poem from one of them (Poem-A-Day) that I found simply extraordinary: Charles Harper Webb's "Prayer for the Man Who Mugged My Father, 72."
Over on Twitter, Janice Harayda is using a #bkrev hashtag to discuss book reviewing. Yesterday's focus: negative reviews.
Here's a fun list: the 25 Greatest Fictional Lawyers (Who Are Not Atticus Finch). (via
The wonderful Sage Cohen has a new article out on "Top 10 Productivity Pitfalls for Writers to Avoid." (I've already pre-ordered Sage's forthcoming book, The Productive Writer.)


Kim Klugh said...

I too found Webb's poem to be remarkable; his final line is particularly haunting.

Lisa Romeo said...

Ditto what Kim said (above).

April Crews said...

Thanks so much for the "Top 10 Productivity Pitfalls." I have been guilty of at least one of these. Thanks for the reminder. I needed that kick in the pants!

Chryselle said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing this, Erika. Now that I have a baby, I often find myself thinking violent thoughts towards thoughtless bus drivers and other vehicle owners (here in India) who honk mercilessly, often for no reason at all. It's heartbreaking to see a baby not sleep well (or jump out of his skin) just because someone is a little impatient. That last line might well be mine, soon :(